I understand that the Summer Solstice is the Sun’s wedding day,  so I am creating a ceremony for joining this energy by using my Journey Oracle deck to give me guidance.  This reading is not anything like the ones described in the Journey Oracle book of instructions and pronouncements.  I think it is valuable to occasionally reinvent the way I use my divination cards; to sort of spiritually “change things up.”  I hope you do the same.

This oracle card represents the energy of the Sun in this ceremony.  I have a long shamanic relationship with Bear, and so the image was full of wisdom for me, even before I read the page titled The Situation:

This situation began by reconnecting.
The prevailing energy of this situation is dramatically unexpected.
The core energy pattern of this situation is a soft covering.
The Mother of this situation is inventive.
The Father of this situation is burnt.

I especially understand to be inventive in this ceremony I am creating, and that an offering burnt in the solstice fire may be the creative energy that empowers the connection.


This oracle card represents how I will be guided in this ceremony.  These phrases suggest to me an intention, a way of being, and actions that will accomplish these.

want to see this eye, a dreamscape
be in your heart
a student, a determination
a maze

go inside  meditate  be still


This oracle card’s statements from Divine Will contain a vow for me:

The wisdom of doing your share will empower the transformation.
Completed transformation will be felt as a quality of floating on.

I will do my share, listen to my heart’s wisdom, and float on the humility of giving food.

This ceremony is also the story of my beginning vision.  This vision is accessed by looking within rather than looking at what is eating the feast.  When I watch a ceremony with my human eyes open, it is too easy to have expectations.  And these expectations and evaluations mean I am trying to eat the feast,


In conclusion, I asked the Journey Oracle cards who are the guests at this ceremony when I feed the Sun with burnt offerings, with meditation and stillness?  What is the benefit of this ceremony on the Sun’s wedding day”

The Oracle had this message:

Spirit prayers answered.